Installing XAMPP on Linux
Detailed steps for installing XAMPP on Linux using the terminal(Here i have installed in Ubuntu 20):
Open a terminal window by pressing "Ctrl+Alt+T" on your keyboard.
Change to your home directory by running the following command:
bashcd ~
Download the XAMPP installer for Linux from the official Apache Friends website by running the following command:
This command will download the XAMPP installer to your home directory.
After downloading the installer, make it executable by running the following command:
bashchmod +x
Next, run the installer as a superuser using the following command:
bashsudo ./
This will launch the XAMPP installer.
Follow the prompts in the installer to install XAMPP. You can choose the default options for most of the prompts. However, when you're prompted to select the components to install, make sure that you select at least Apache, MySQL, and PHP. You can also choose to install other components based on your requirements.
Once the installation is complete, start the XAMPP control panel using the following command:
bashsudo /opt/lampp/
This will launch the XAMPP control panel.
In the XAMPP control panel, start the Apache and MySQL servers by clicking on the "Start" buttons next to them.
That's it! You have successfully installed XAMPP on Ubuntu 20. You can now access the XAMPP dashboard by opening a web browser and navigating to http://localhost/dashboard/. From there, you can manage your XAMPP components and start developing your web applications.
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